TBDBITL Alumni Club

The Best Damn Band In The Land - The Ohio State University Marching Band Alumni

Lost Alumni

Last Updated: 3/3/2025 11:32:43 AM

The following list contains the names, instruments and years-in-Band for alumni that we have "misplaced". If your name appears (or if you recognize someone you know), please drop us a note.

Please send updates to: postmaster@tbdbitl.com

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Andrews, Barry DTrumpet1980-84
Arden, Mary C1956
Arrowood, Ray1969
Bachman, Gerald L1956
Baker, Michael ATrumpet1968-69
Barrow, Charles DTrumpet1988
Barth, DrewTrumpet2015
Beaver, William1957
Beeson, J CBaritone1992
Bendall, Linda CLibrarian1958
Bennett, William1967
Bittler, Dean1950
Bland, John1954
Bond, Tyler RTrombone2014-15
Bonen, JoanneSecretary1953
Bowers, BrandonBaritone2019
Bowers, William HEfer1956
Bowman II, Lee JEfer1985-87
Bowman, Thomas1965
Brndair, John1971
Brooks, Joseph1974
Broun, Paul1963
Browning Jr, Jesse W1959
Brown, Mark1974
Brown, Roger L1959
Bryan, AudraBaritone1996-98
Bunn, Judy GLibrarian1960
Caldwell, StevenTrumpet1965
Calvillo, KaylaManager2014-16
Campbell, David2007
Carlton, Jacob MSnare2011-14
Carvey, CraigSousaphone1973-76
Castleberry, JavoneManager1992-93
Chenoweth, Earl1964
Christopaulos, Paul1957
Clark, RichardBaritone1967
Coldren, CarsonTrumpet2017-18
Cook, Thomas HSousaphone1970-71
Cramton, James H1950
Crouch, Scott TTrumpet1981-85
Davis, DavidD-Squad1971
Davis, RonTrumpet1969
Dean, Marcia KMellophone2002-03
Deatherage, Robert1964
Detray, DougSousaphone1993
Dils, Reed K1966
Doughty, Christopher C1988
Drum, SharonAlto horn1990
Drum, Tonia LAlto horn1993
Eaton, DavidTrombonium1967
Edgington, Kenen MTrumpet1963
Edwards, DavidAlto horn1965
Elliott, Donald RBaritone1977
Engle, Michael1970
Evans, David TCymbals2005,07
Everitt, PaulSousaphone1962
Fauss, GregCymbals1967-70
Floyd, Herbert DEfer1947-49
Foster, JillBaritone1990
Fowler, Paul JTrombone1978
Fox, James WTrumpet1960
Fraizer, Anna RSeamstress1994-95
Frew, LindaLibrarian1964
Friend, Michael J1963
Frye, Nicholas TD-Squad2007
Gary, CarlosTrombone1988
Geese, R JBaritone1964
Gillom, Dennis1966
Gluhm, Frank NSnare
Gray, Frank1962
Green, RobertAlto horn1968
Greulich, Pamela STrumpet1989-91
Haley, WilliamTrumpet1968
Hammerle, DavidTrumpet1995-99
Harris, JohnDrum Major1983
Hart, James A1971
Harvey, George1952
Hatfield, ChrisTrumpet1992
Helfrich, RobertManager1985
Hill, Joseph F1961
Hook, Jessica LTrumpet1987-88
Hopkins II, Dr Gregory RSnare2003-05
Hopkins, Phil1960
Houth, AllanTrombonium1967
Hustek, KyleD-Squad2018-20
Jenkins, DouglasManager1969
Johnson, David BSousaphone1992
Jones, MathewTrumpet1994-95
Jones, Melissa ATrumpet1993,95
Kain, ScottTrombone1992
Kavanaugh, Lee HTrombonium1978-79
Kemper, Richard1963
Ketcham, Christy MTrombone1976-78
Kinkade, Richard DTrumpet1945,48-50
Knudsen, MichaelAsst Drum Major1974
Koile, KevinTrombone1993
Kraup, DouglasFlugel horn1983
Kunkel, Thomas W1953-54
Layne, LindseySecretary1999-2000
Leasure, David LAlto horn1987
Leighton, David LSousaphone1981-84
Lengle, Dennis BTrumpet1962
Levan, DominickCymbals2003-04
Lewis, Thomas1973
Lillback, DavidManager1966
Lohrey, David HTrumpet1982
Lowery, RobertDrum Major1965
Lusin-Winterich, Cherryl1973
Mackey, RoxaneSousaphone1977
Maltsia, Terrence ED-Squad1981
Marter, Dave1977
Mathews, ChuckSnare1964-68
Mavrikos, FarrahD-Squad1996
McCamey, David RTrombone1970-71
McCord, MattieSecretary2009-10
McDonough, Cole PD-Squad2012-13
McGuire, MollyD-Squad1984
McKenney, Robert JTrombone1967-69
Meyer, ShelleyHonorary
Meyer, Coach UrbanHonorary
Miller, James1971
Mitchell, MerileeAlto horn1983
Mitchell, Rudolph1973
Mitchel, Walter G1958
Moore, Gary D1963
Moore, Holly MTrombone1981
Moore, Ralph H1960
Morgan, David TSousaphone1953
Morkassel, GaryTrumpet1998-99
Morrison, Mark GEfer2013
Muldrew, Michael B1960
Myers, EricSousaphone1992
Myers, John NAlto horn1973-74,76
Nelson, Gary LSnare1968-72
Nicholson, MichaelHonorary
Noe, David J
Olah, Stephen RTrumpet1988-89
Paanenan, Loretta JLibrarian1963
Palmer, Gerald WAlto horn1958-60
Parker, George1959
Park, JackHonorary
Patterson, Michele LMellophone1998
Pelton, Robert L1954
Petersen, KirkTrumpet1969
Pfeiffer, David ETrombone1975
Phillips, George MBaritone1948-49
Pinar, JohnAlto horn1969
Poling, ScottTrombone1998-2002
Post, Ephraim1974
Price, Judy1973
Quarles, JohnHonorary
Rachel, GiffinManager2019
Rader, JessicaAlto horn1992
Ravan, James ATrumpet1967-68
Ray, Stanley KBaritone1976-79
Rice, John DTrumpet1967
Ritchie, Kimberly CDuo1981
Rogers, George L1964
Roth, AndreaSnare2000-02
Rotunno, Bryan T1958
Rush, BrianTrombone2008
Sandrew, Greg JTrumpet1969-71
Sarandos, StevenA/V Staff2005
Sato, IwaoHonorary
Schaller, PongthaiTrumpet1984
Schluer, Balinda MAlto horn1989-90
Schooff, D MichaelTrombone1989-93
Schultz, Lisa RLibrarian1981
Scott, Kimberly CDuo1981
Sedlock, Gordon1960
Seip, Scott W1964
Shaffer, Kim1973
Shaver, Robert WBaritone1961-64
Shepherd, JohnManager1971
Shira, DavidTenor horn1969
Shoaf, Gordon1971
Simmons-Stalter, Lori ALibrarian1987-90
Smith, Thomas RTrombonium1972
Speights, Charles ETrumpet1945-46
Stewart, Robert1972
Strang, David LTrumpet1966
Stuartz, Lawrence1960
Sutton, JacenBaritone2019
Swinehart, Jack1965-68
Szabo, Dr Albert EBaritone1952-54
Thacker, Bethany MTrumpet2009-12,14
Thompson, J Edward1974
Thompson, Robert W1959
Thoroman, Cristina NTrombone2006
Trease, James WSousaphone1968
Trick, DavidTrumpet2004
Tuma, AlexTrumpet2022-24
Twitty, PatriciaSnare1977
Vilcins, AimeeMellophone2001
Vilcins, KarlBass drum1999-2001
Warthen, C ThomasBaritone1968-69
Wells, Robert1954
Wiler-Martin, Arleigh HMellophone2013-15
Wiler-Martin, Shawn AD-Squad2010-11
Wilkins, Sherry LSeamstress1982
Williams, HowardTrumpet1984
Williams, Robert DTrumpet
Williams, TimDrum Major1983-84
Wills, Ronnie1964
Wilson, Benjamin PPercussion1967
Wilson, Kenneth MTrombonium1973-77
Wimberly, Anne SLibrarian
Winters, SuzanneD-Squad1997
Woodward, MorganD-Squad1993-94
Zeller, RichardTrumpet1990
Zhang, XiaoxiaoSecretary2008
Ziegler, Adam ASousaphone1986,88
Zubrod, Paul FDrum Major1968-71